The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Joel Osteen Fail

Joel Osteen sends me this Thank You letter, and attached is a note that reads, "Gary, God wants you to fulfill the dream He's given you!  Keep believing and expecting bad things today.  9/12/13

Obviously a funny mistake.  Things went well for me that day.  :)


Random thoughts for the week

Here are some of my random thoughts for the week. 

- Wouldn't it be cool if I could sit at home, post my random thoughts, maybe about an hour or so of work.  Go out and have fun all day, then on Friday check my mail for the paycheck of oh, how about 3000 dollars?  Of course I would want the weekends off since working 5 hours a week is quite taxing.  Now back to reality.

- Dieing is not the worst thing about life.  Living your life without showing the World true inner self expression is a true waste of a lifetime.  I remember seeing my first "punk" hair style.  My personal reaction was not of curiosity but rather of fear.  The hideous metal junk sticking out of her face.  The Mohawk styling of that hot pink hair standing up like the sales on the back of a dinosaur.  And she was not really concerned about my life, but her own self expression.  She knew me.  She knew I was like the other thousands of men laughing inside.  True bravery is being heard by your true inner self. 

- In life there are setbacks, delays, critics, and a thousand more things that will waste your time expressing yourself.  But it is part of the living game.  How you deal with life's problems while finding your outlet for inner self expression are basically just style points.  Just get the job done, the job you need done.  Your path to success is never the same path on the map you laid out, so you better be prepared for those avalanches and rainy days that life's path has for you.

- Spoken words and man made noises are things that go from the physical realm to the non-physical realm, or the spiritual realm (they disappear physically).

- Things that come into the mind and then are produced by the hands come from the spiritual realm into the physical realm. 

- Why are we here?  To facilitate and produce those things that are created from the spiritual world.

-  So, you see... there is a cycle, or a loop.  I speak the words.  The words transcend to the non physical world.  Those words are seeds for development in that non physical world.  And the seedling comes from the non physical world to the physical world via the brain (also known as an idea).

- Therefore, your spoken prayers enter this cycle.  So do your negative words.  They enter the non physical realm.

-  I often wondered how fast I would have to travel to catch up to my spoken words before they reach the non physical side, the barrier if you will.  The obvious answer is faster than the speed of sound, but the problem is that sound travels in all directions at that same moment.  So I would only ever be able to catch up to only a part of my words.  Plus, the words diminish in volume while I remain at my same "volume."  I think God has this one covered.  We are only getting to the other side via one method; death.

- I think I worked some overtime this week.  Maybe my check (imaginary check) will be 4000 dollars this week?  ha ha but, really... if you, "put things out into the Universe" this is how and why it comes back to you.

Peace Out, EinStud

PS - You can argue my points, or agree with them.  My eyes are open to learn.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Free Words

Free Words by EinStud,

The dark and the bad side of life rely upon money to grow their cause.  They pay millions of dollars to see Madonna perform desecrating the Cross.  They pay millions of dollars to push forth paintings with evil depictions.  They use their money to back dirty politicians.  Millions to Billions of dollars are distributed daily to people who will march for their cause.  Sometimes, the cause or event that a person marches for, is not the cause being represented to the masses (but they were paid). 

And there is one thing that upsets them the most.  The one thing is that the side of good will promote Christ for free.  And there is a lot more "free" in this World, than there is money.  Let's give an example.  Say I were to be paid to protest the evil works going on in the Middle East, the chemical weapons issue with Syria.  "They" may be looking for a way to start World War Three, but you were marching for the illegal use of chemical weapons.  In a side effect way, you just helped their cause.  Congress passes the efforts to strike Syria, and all of the sudden Russia and China show up to the fight. 

Remember, there is more "free" in this World than there is money.  That is why they vie for control over the population.  They are trying to control free.  To control "free" they need more power to take away more rights (rights, freedom, equality, and free are all inherently... well, free).  But even if they were to put some men in jail, the least free place in the World, it is amazing that they still can't take Christ away from these people. 

They try fear, they try bribes, they try control, they try a lot of things, but God is still free.  Who are "they?"  Anyone who squashes your ability to act and speak freely about the good things in life.  You notice there is not much squashing going on when people speak or act freely about the bad things in life.  Just remember the good things in life are free.  It costs no money to spread the word of Christ.  Sure, you could spread the word by copying and sending this article to others (Thank You in advance), but it is much better that you sit down and think of what in your life is good, what is free.  Tell the World.  They won't like it.  - Peace Out