May 29, 2004
To whom it may concern,
The coming future of music will be much different than it has been for many years. All things change. The company that positions themselves correctly will prosper greatly. And the dawn of the coming future is here now!
In the past, the business model resembled an automobile manufacturing plant. However, with the power of computers and the availability of this power to the common man, the record industry has a unique opportunity right in front of their eyes. I intend to take advantage of this opportunity.
With the current working business model in place (Discover talent, hone talent, record talent, produce product, promote product, distribute product.) this model still works, but will be made more profitable when the talent, recording and production expenses are in the hands of the computer users who develop ideas in their own home studios. It is already being done.
The extra income for the big record companies will be in the products they will sell to their thousands of recording studios (home recording enthusiasts who may even be willing to pay a fee to have their songs marketed). Products that help musicians achieve their dreams.
The software for making computer music is selling well. When you start to see these products selling in Wal-Mart, it’s too late. Create a simple music making program for a reasonable price and place on shelf at Wal-Mart. Consumer buys dream, manufactures a song and has a direct connection to Virgin records. At this point, all consumers will have access to a stunning array of Virgin products. The Virgin people discover talent and in the end are selling to the consumer once again (finished music)! This model will make Virgin as popular world wide as perhaps Coca-Cola! And it all works because of my principle: We are here to help each other. I hope I have helped you today too!
Sincerely, K-Rhap