The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Music, Music, Music, ah! I'm working on the Halloween song. Hope to be done with it and have it posted today, tomorrow maybe.

This week in the adventure-less life of the super prowler Gary Ruff. I signed up for a music promotion service. Visit and your website will start to get more hits! I will try to mention radio stations and dj's I run across in the business as I progress. Here's a couple: . Small radio stations rule! And big internet music site rule too! . So there you go. Two resources for you to explore.

Tailgaters. Time is money. I ain't got no time so, I ain't got no money! Due to the fact I'm producing this Halloween Song, and regular other chores, I can't make this many games this season.

Have a great week! Gary

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