The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Monday, September 01, 2008

Cocoa And Bananas

I was buying these pills online for "cocoa". Americans take pills for everything. I think it is a convenience factor. However, I found in the store over there at Wal-Mart, some Cocoa.

It was brown, all ground up, and appeared to be ready to use. It does not dissolve in water, at least in a fast manner. But, it will dissolve if you let it stand for a while.

Ingredients: Cocoa

That's what the label said, and it cost me only 2 or 3 dollars.

So, I tried it in my tea. Yuk. I tried to dissolve it in water. In time, it worked! But still, yuk.

Then the magic happened! I peeled a banana and stuck it in the cocoa jar... a home run!

So Hershey listen up! Bananas and Cocoa are the next big thing! Maybe throw in some Peanut Butter?

Wow! I have to try it! I'll be back soon...

Sincerely, Gary Ruff, Peace Out!

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