The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, December 27, 2009

A response to the question, if I believe in Jesus.

I do I do. I do believe because of several reasons, in both God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I feel as if I know exactly why man was put on Earth, which helps answer the age old questions "IF" there is a God.

If you look at nature, we are the only life form on Earth that brings imagination, to reality. We build things. Look around. You see the desk. You see the clock. You see an ink pen. You see almost everything came from the imagination, and from that... was built by our hands.

If I told you there was a pink and purple dinosaur reading a book on a boat with one wheel, and then tomorrow, I asked you what color was the dinosaur, you probably would tell me he was pink and purple, yes?

But the dinosuar does not exist. The dinosaur is no where. The dinosaur is only in my head, and yours too, now that I told you about him. Which, means he exists on a level different from the physical level.

So how is it that the imagination (which I use to mean spiritual, not fake believe) is good enough for people to accept the reality of a pink and purple dinosaur on a one wheeled boat, but not accept that there is a God?

And, if we were put here on Earth to be the bridge between the spiritual (imagination) and the physical, then it seems very likely that God could do the same with himself; to help us understand that there is a spiritual as well as a physical side to our lives.

Look around. If we were not here, this place would be nothing but rocks, trees, and animals. We, as spirits would not be able to make ANYTHING if we existed only spiritually. Maybe God needed to create something more interesting for our Universe? Maybe he sent spirits (you and me) to build things with our hands? This gives everyone of us a purpose. We are here to build things, to do God's work, by bridging our spirituality to the physical world, with our hands.

That is the best way I can explain things using logic and my mind. Others are better at explaining it with their emotions and feelings.

And what do you think? What do you imagine is the reason we are here? That is really what it comes down to, yes? Then after you believe something, it seems only proper to do something about it, yes? But we humans don't always act in a rational manner, go figure.

Peace Out my friend, Gary

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