The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Let the music come to you

Oftentimes we as writers just want to create something. We start by writing a song because we feel anger. Then a few days later we are not angry any more. And 2 things happen; 1. The partial song we wrote sucks. 2. We cannot get back into the feeling of that moment to complete the song. The usual result is it ends up in the trash!

Don't ever throw your notes and partial songs in the trash; organize them and save them. We will never use them again, but it is this method that is important. You see, I never WRITE a song from start to end in one sitting. But I collect information and put it to paper. I include all the five senses (hear, see, smell, taste, touch) and emotions I am feeling. Short sentences, long thoughtless, mindless ramblings are all included.

Let's begin. I purchased a notebook and on the inside cover I wrote inside the front cover the 5 senses and the word "emotion".

I took my notebook and pen and sat down in my recliner. I will use the method of "getting lost in the moment". I changed the channels and came to a show "Men in Trees". I have never seen it before, but it was a moment in time where I forgot the world and my problems. I relaxed and became interested in something other than what my life was about. I could have just as easily watched another show, maybe a movie, or sat outside the house and watched people. I watched the TV show. I became lost. I became inspired to write a song because I could emotionally relate to the characters.

Let the music come to you....

But what was i going to write on my blank piece of paper in my notebook? I surely did not want to write the story in front of my eyes (plagarism). Well, I suggest you wait until commercial, or stop the video player to record your thoughts. There is a differenc between plagarism and inspiration. What you see on TV or in real life has to be translated to your own life and experiences. But that is not what you should be writing about at this early stage! Just write your thoughts and feelings about what you are observing. (Surely, if this inspires you to create a theme at this early stage, then by all means don't stop the train from rolling!). The point of this excercise is to show you that it is easy to become inspired if you can lose yourself from your reality; watch a movie. Write.

I will share what I wrote in the next entry.

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