Besides writing a book on making a song, I am working on something mathematical (again), but I'm not quite sure of what it will lead to. When I get into these predicaments, I guess the best thing to do is to just release the bird, see if it will fly, and see where it could possibly go.
One thought I had about this new idea is that it surely helps me as a scientist understand the reality of God and the importance of “infinity”.
The concept of infinity can be reached in 2 places, and it would not shock me if there was a third. The number 3 seems to relevant to my idea I will be explaining.
Problem: A computer uses 1's and 0's, or an “ON and OFF” operation to work. For artificial intelligence to work, there should be some gray areas in between.
And while I am aware that someone already has an idea where a computer can have more parameters than simply on and off (1's and 0's), I think my method will be interesting to techies and quantum scientists to say the least.
While it is possible to use more colors, or other colors to my idea, I think it is best to use the human visible spectrum of Red, Blue, Green. Often I see these colors represented by numbers 255, 255, 255. I assume that is an arbitrary way to assign a number to a color. I wonder if a color can be looked at, and that number can be known in reverse? If so, then my idea is still alive.
The idea would be to make The color White (255,255,255) equal to Yes or 1, and then assign Black (0,0,0) to No or 0. This will enable color quantum computers to work with older models we are using today. Every other color combination, for example Budweiser Red is 204, 000, 000 and this bit of information could be read by the computer as easily as a 1 or a 0. This introduces the ability to calculate probability into the computer calculation (among other possibilities). So, instead of having 2 possibilities, a 1 or a 0, we would have over 16 million possibilities just in the visible spectrum!
You ask about “quantum”. The answer lies in PI. PI is a mathematical constant, and until I exposed the true meaning of this number years ago, it was thought to be used in the calculation of circles. It should be used to calculate with meaning to spiral circles, circles that have depth.
Think of it this way, I look at a “Slinky” from one end and see the face of it as a circle. But when I turn it sideways, I see the spiral feature of this “circle”. This feature is why PI never ends and is an irrational number. The longer you calculate PI out, the more you are describing a point somewhere down the line on the Slinky, BUT if I mark that point and look at the Slinky from either end (which means I now see a circle), it would appear to me that I have calculated in 2 dimension, the circumference of that circle (or pretty damn close, yes?).
But PI has another significance to computing and the 3 dimensionality of itself. If I look at the “Circle”, and I draw a point right in the center of the circle, I want to call that the “PI Time Line”. This can become confusing after this point so anyone else can jump in and help out. I understand myself completely, but that might not help others out any.
If I take a microscope and magnify that point in the circle, I notice that the point itself has dimension. Yes, it is actually a circle itself, and with the Slinky thought to this, it has infinite depth too. I like to think of this depth, this one point that continues (remember PI is infinite) on for eternity as time. It is not 1 second. It is not 1 year. It is time. Here is how I know. Again, if I look at the Slinky sideways, and pull it apart, I see an almost equal frequency of space between the metal slats of the Slinky. Since I do not know or have the desire to find the formula to derive time from this model, I will just say that all of the spaces are equal (in my concept), and I will divide up each space equal in 10 units (I like working in base ten), and since this is my idea, I will call each unit a “Ruff”. We have ten “Ruff's” in this concept.
Why? Why am I doing this, and not just using regular time like we see on the face of the clock? I could, and I could correlate this to the circular face of the slinky, but time is different here on Earth than it is on Mars. As a matter of fact, I think there are more hours in a day on Mars. Which means ratio's will be calculated incorrectly (and if you think the vibration of atoms used to determine time is the answer, then think again since the gravity of Mars will create an effect on that model).
By the way, I am out of my limit. Time is not my concern here, just that it can be created in my “Ruff Time” model.
Okay, back to where I was going. PI is roughly 3.1 or less roughly:
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 05820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067 98214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812 84811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819 64428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909 14564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127 37245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643 67892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609 43305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854 80744623799627495673518857527248912279381830119491
Here is the importance of my discovery. That center point in my circle can be represented as 3.1, and in my concept, 3.01 would be a point resting inside that point. 3.00001 would also be inside my point on the circle.
3.14 is on the “PI” line (remember it is 3 dimensional and moves away from me into infinity, it is time). So, 3.14 will lie on the PI time line, and so will 3.141. But, 3.140 falls inside the point on my circle. So now you can see how infinity is represented inside the circle, inside the point (perhaps inside of us as hums since we are all just a bunch of “points” gathered together).
Where is 3.15? It lies outside of the point in the center of my circle. 3.15 is outside of the point and so is 3.150000001 and so on into infinity as well. I just found the 3rd infinity I was looking for.
How can this idea be used in Quantum calculation? I don't know, but I guess it like this; Let's say that I pick some points on the face of my Slinky. I already know that 3.0 to 3.1 will be my point in the center of the circle and all of it's contents will travel 3 dimensionally away from me forever. (uh, 3.0 because in my concept, everything under PI is inside the point, that travels 3 dimensionally away from me forever). Let's not use or discuss 0.00 to PI too much because it could have a “control” use for the quantum computer. Maybe it is not a good idea I think to use it for information storage or calculation. Because if I know the unit of length (frequency) of the space gaps in my Slinky, then it will be possible to calculate the run, down the center of my pipe (point in the center of the circle). I digress again.
I also am aware that I can pick another point in the circle outside of my center point. Let's call it 3.2 for ease. Let's pick some other points as well. 3.3, 3.9.
3.0 to 3.1 lies inside of the point in the center of the circle.
3.2 to 3.3 lies outside of that point in the center of my circle
and 3.9 to infinity (that was actually where I found infinity occurring a second time) is close to the outer limits of the circle. And for fodder, I suppose 4.0 and up will be points outside of the circle, into infinity as well. So, I outdid myself. I found 4 occurrences of Infinity.
Why is all of this important? If I travel down the run of pipe at a calculated distance, then I can have everything that happens at 3.1 have happen at 3.2 and 3.3 at the same time! PI is a constant number value, so all of my runs on the pipe (points) can be simultaneously filled with data. And here lies the big bonus, at each point if I go higher than the value of PI then I am outside of the limits of that data, but know where to go to get back to it. I can also create an infinite amount of data off that “Time Line”.
So, 3.1415 will be a pipe. 3.2415 would be a pipe. 3.3415 would be a quantum pipe as well (and I just picked those numbers for demonstration, but do you see how they will always correlate?).
They will correlate into infinity. And if I move off the pipe at 3.3415 to 3.3416 then I can have another calculation or data waiting. So where do the results go? FLOW.
Everything flows from inside the pipe at the center point, away from me, and out from the center to the edge of the Slinky back to me on the spiral or just through another pipe (quicker) back to me.
Newton was hit with an Apple, but that did not make him Einstein. I think my idea here has some merit, and I hope someone will come along and find a good use for it.
I think there is promise and hope with factoring in formula's for calculations in my model: PI , FREQUENCY, DISTANCE (run down the pipe), perhaps TIME as we know it could be one hell of way to locate a piece of information on the “Slinky”.
I see hope for the fact that color can be numerated as 255, 255, 255, which could lead to some promise for my thoughts in this Quantum Computing model.
I like to think that using a base ten system will always allow the computer to quickly locate any point in PI if PI is used as the distance figure.
If God is everywhere at all times, then this model surely describes how it can be done. No matter how much information goes into this model, it is never full. And outside of this model, it seems will never fill up either. Maybe God is inside of us, at the same time outside of us? We choose to do what we will, while outside forces are ours not by choice?
In my model, order is the pipeline. Order is why we have two eyes with every new human being (99.9%). Disarray, chance, hope, love, knowledge and more comes from the information we gain outside of the control program, but still in God's arms. When we die, our information goes somewhere, somewhere I call heaven. Maybe “somewhere” is that 4th piece of infinity? Could it be the infinity outside of the Slinky in my model?
It amazes me that even after my scientific model here, some scientists will argue that infinity goes out to nothing, when I just proved that I can use that nothingness to store data if I so choose. And I am only a man. What potential of all of that nothingness could be utilized by God? I think there is a lot more out there, as well in ourselves, than we really should know.
Peace Out, Gary Ruff
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