The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nerdic Fascination

Musicians always seem to have "a little more"...

Have you ever noticed that many musicians seem to have another side to them which is simply fascinating. Many have this "mind" or "third eye" if you will.

I think mine is Free Energy, Tesla Experiments, making electricity from Solar, Wind, Compressed Air, Pendulums.

Right now I'm studying Nicola Tesla. And some things about me in my life were remembered.

--- notes ---

Alternating currents is the key. Light seems to be part of the result. When i was a young boy I would go into the swimming pool, and for fun I would push off the side of the pool with my feet, as I let go with my hands. I would hurry back to the wall and repeat it. Soon, a wave would grow, and as I timed it right, I could make a huge wave with very little effort. I used the wave's motion and momentum to move the water back and forth, and eventually a great amount of water would leave over the edge. I think this is how Tesla used alternating currents, vibration or momentum for energy. I need to study more perhaps.

I do also want to mention the effect like I described when it comes to sound. The feedback from a microphone picking up it's own signals from the amplifier seem to build up in intensity. I just am mentioning this with respect to alternating current energy, or energy in general.
(Nikola Tesla is pictured above)

Peace Out, The Compusician


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