The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Success

"The key to success is to make everyone around you successful." This phrase should be kept near and dear to our hearts. We are in a society of people from all around the world trying to get to the top of their careers, top of their business, and top of their political ambitions.

It seems to me that it is becoming commonplace to succeed at any cost, no matter what happens to the people around us. It is NOT just an American capitalist phenomenon. It is how the many in this world is behaving.

We can all be successful if we slow down and make the people around us succeed at their own individual personal goals. It is that simple. And yes, there will be those in life who just take and do not give back. Those people will never know the true meaning of success and fulfillment; to help another man, son, wife, daughter, or friend achieve.

The most successful people in life are those who understand this and give their lives, their love, their words. The other people are just obstacles.

Here's the secret: Have fun removing the obstacles as you start to surround yourself with people who will help you succeed. Your greatest joy in this game will be those who you help! (And there is no greater satisfaction than to realize your true power, of helping those who still don't get it).

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