The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Monday, September 17, 2007

The Fibonacci numbers, PI, and PST.

In 1202 AD a scientist named Fibonacci studied a mathematical problem initially using rabbits as the example.

The pattern reveals 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 etc... The assumption they want you to accept is that these rabbits will keep on producing, and never die. That way you can continue to get the next numbers, and it grows and grows. Then I realized why this theory would never work in reality, and how great a thinker God must be.

The rabbits will die. Nature holds a balance. That is the way it was designed by God. This system of rivers flowing to the south, and on the other side of the equator, to the north all is perfectly balanced by evaporating and returning the rain to the earth, back to the rivers and back to the sea.

If the rabbits do not die and continue to multiply, then there becomes a huge imbalance in the system. That is why we as humans will never find the cure for for death. It is a futile attempt because the whole design is what I and others call, The Divine Design. Or, the perfect design if you will. Everything is in perfect balance.

I mention this because I am working on a water project that is intended to produce electricity, and where the system "leaks" it's energy will be made up by solar electricity. Some fascinating
things I discovered along the way. Some new ideas involving water flow, magnetics, and the return it yields to the system. Kind of like how the earth continues to spin. The answer lies within Time, Distance, Balance (imbalance), Conversion, Systems (recurring cycles), Loss (change).

All systems will experience a loss of energy. Because there has to be an imbalance striving for balance to have useful energy to do our work. The energy is never really lost, but rather changed to another form.

I think that the best we can do is to find a way to use other sources of energy (conversion) to make up for the "loss".

When I hear, "That won't work. you are putting more energy into the system than you'll get out!" Well, Einstein, (that's what I call these distracters), every energy source requires putting more energy into the system than we'll get out. That includes Solar Power, Wind, and Water Systems. We just do not see the loss because we are inside of it's system OR the time cycle it is on is longer than the time cycle we have to observe it.

I will not say "never" although. Something I've learned over my time cycle is that science continues to amaze us. What we once thought was true, is now false. Someday the sun will come up in the west (I really think it will, given enough time).

We look back at problems like, "How was the Great Pyramid made?" and we assume that the work was done with the same systems we have on Earth now. Maybe the Earth was spinning faster back then. Maybe the moon or some other celestial object was close to the Earth causing a pull, thus making the Pyramid stones lighter. Who knows. But we as scientists cannot assume that every system in the past is the same as it is today, and cannot assume tomorrow systems will still be the same as always.

That will be my theory to contribute to the scientific world. Everything changes. What was once true, will become false. And one last thing before I go back to making music. The reason PI (3.14159265) is a continuous number that never ends is because it is not describing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It just appears that way because we are looking at the circle from a different angle. Example: take the children's toy, a slinky. You hold it up just right and it looks like a circle. Hold it at another angle and it is obviously a spiral. Apparently this spiral never ends, since the number PI never ends. It continues on into infinity. Maybe it is the mathematical number of the Universe? God's number?

PI Spiral Theory (PST) presented by Gary Ruff, the mad scientist. And so much more! Peace Out My Fine Friends!

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