The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ukraine Girl vs American Man

Today I realized a huge cultural difference between the Ukraine girl, and me the American man. In her country (I will call her Milla), it appears to me, that to have impossible dreams, is a foolish proposition. And I might add, that is not a good way to pick up a chic.

Milla cannot dream past what is reality, or practically possible. This seems odd to me since America is built on impossibility and dreams. Can a black man named Obama (sounds like Osama), become President of the USA? Maybe not in her wildest dreams, but 50 million Americans did dream it, and made it real.

Milla cannot understand that America is the place where people make their life long dreams come true. Money was not how America was built. Some men had dreams, and some women believed in these men, and a country called the United States of America was born and is still alive today. How's that for a dream?

And the more people around the world who believe in the American dream will be people realizing their dreams. It actually is that simple in this country. And, we welcome those around the world who realize America is the land for opportunity and dreams, not just to get rich. And for those who do not dream, but just want to make a dollar here? They will not last long.

Many people who do get the opportunity to see America, are just dumbfounded how so much land from sea to shining sea, can be so rich. And now I also understand that when you grow up in a place that has little vision for dreams, then they are limited to achieve, and they think Americans are fools.

It is true. We dream, we achieve and it is bliss. And, we wake up to opportunity every day. I think that is why I find it hard to understand why Milla cannot dream with me. How hard is it to dream about living in a Palace on the Black Sea, in Yalta Ukraine, and keeping roots in America? To her I am a fool for thinking of such impossibilities. To Americans, I may be the fool for letting my dreams die to marry such a woman. And that is one of the cultural differences.

Let's list some fools: Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, Sully, Josh Hamilton, Barak Obama, Gary Ruff and every one of them had a good woman behind them I am sure (I'm still looking).

My advice to the men seeking an exotic, beautiful young woman from the Ukraine is to keep your dreams low until she can actually see what is possible. I truly believe this is where I have been going wrong in my search for the exotic beauty. And isn't that a dream? Can you imagine me, a 43 year old, out of shape guy like me walking the streets with an exotic beauty? Hey, help a fellow American out. I see it all of the time!

And as for Milla, dare to dream. Everything is possible in America. EVERYTHING!

Respectfully Gary Ruff, the Compusician

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