The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Friday, November 16, 2007

Yalta Ukraine!

What a vacation! This is my favorite place in to get away from it all! I will tell more about my trip and everything that went wrong, and all that went right (in my next blog).

I now recommend travelers that go overseas have their travel agents book your flight with one itinerary so that when a plane is late, it doesn't ruin your entire travel plans!

My plane from Dallas to JFK was 68 minutes late. Because my tickets were booked separate (to save money), neither airline were willing to compensate me. However, my travel agent (Marcos Mendonca from did a great job in preventing me from having to pay full fare a second time!).

Here is the tip:

1. Allow 4 hours between connections on the international part even if you must choose to stay at a hotel overnight. Allow 5 hours (or more) if your international flight involves changing two airports in one city (ex: JFK transfer to LaGuardia). I might even allow 6 hours if it is during NYC rush hour and it is a Newark transfer to JFK).

2. Allow 3 hours minimum for all domestic flights. I can guarantee that your plane will be at least 1 hour late when you least need it to be. I like 4 hours between flights. The only exception is if the transfer between planes is with the same airline and you booked this trip at the same time. Then, the airline will need to compensate you for the flight delay (new flight, hotel and meal too, perhaps).

If you get stuck overseas with the need to buy a new ticket before they will let you go anywhere, have the local currency or at least a MasterCard or Visa. A plain ATM card is no good. And leave home without your American Express (unless you like foreigners laughing at you).

Take the travel agents business card. I use a west coast travel agent so when things start to go wrong in New York City, he/she is just opening up for business. A travel agent has access to special deals if you need a plane ticket RIGHT NOW. Otherwise, expect to pay a whole lot more if you are trying to get home.

Don't forget, the airlines are not responsible for bad weather. And, in bad weather you are not the only customer with problems. Use the travel agent as a security blanket. Cheap is not always best.

Good Luck! More to come!

Oh, and the vacation was wonderful! I know now exactly what I want to do with my music. I know where to focus. I will reveal more later!

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