The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, October 04, 2009


Racism: A thought or belief that one race is better than another race.

Racist: One who believes that one race is better than another race.


Sometimes in a debate, a clash of words, or plain disagreement, people will often resolve to calling names, as a last resort.

Racism is not a “feeling”, it is a philosophy. Hate is a feeling. The two are often intertwined.

As I watch and observe the two sides hatchet each other, I often wonder how an artist can ever get his point across, when the observer has filtered lenses (both black and white).

And then I see an American waving a Mexican flag, in America. The waving of the Mexican Flag is not the problem here. The problem comes when the waver is doing all he can to make other Americans salute his flag. In other words, the waver is not being very patriotic and loyal to the cause he joined, America.

I see a gay person who has hijacked the true meaning of the rainbow, God's promise to never end the Earth by way of flood. And I see this as very symbolic. This is the way things that will continue until the end, hijack religion and morals. Take from the man who has his own beliefs, and give your beliefs to him.

Americans. To simply put it, we are all Americans. We are like one big family that has a lot of issues. We have different traditions, morals, and concerns. I watch those who cast ugly stones, as well should others.

The gay person can have his marriage, if I can have my rainbow back. The Flag Waver can wave his flag, if he honors our country by being respectful and law abiding. And the Black person should realize, and speak loudly to the fact, that our President is half White.

And to act any other way certainly would be in the American tradition!

Peace Out, EinStud


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