The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Friday, March 26, 2010

EinStud's findings while asleep (EinStud's Dream 2010)

All round things, planetary size, in outer space have liquid inside them or on them or around them. This applies to spinning objects. Liquid comes in many forms. Solids and gases are not liquids, and have a difficult time transferring momentum within them selves.

The opposite of gravity is momentum vibration. It takes energy to create momentum vibration, while gravity is the opposite and absorbs the energy (that is why everything with a mass has energy).

The Earthquake Machine plans that Tesla had were based on using the smallest amount of energy from electromagnetism. In fact, even light waves could be used (that is for far into the future). The key is to have something that not only can vibrate very fast, but slow down as momentum is gained.

I suppose this technology could be used to lift weight as well. That did not come to me in my dream. I suppose this technology is already in place as I see companies transferring “electricity” through the air without wires. They are actually causing a high frequency wave and the receiving object is tuned to that wave and then vibrates, thus allowing it to make energy.

Dreams are wonderful, aren't they. I used to dream about girls on the beach...

Here is more. The government is not so bad. It actually tries to break free from the money empire that is in place. But the only way to beat the money empire is to become bigger than it (that is one strategy, and the one they have always employed). The problem is, the money empire knows that some of those in the government can be bought off. Laws are shaped by these “bought off” votes. So the government in their zest to defeat the money empire start to abandon laws that help protect the people.

The government starts to make laws to help them them get bigger than the money empire. The people are usually caught in the middle as Laws and Money are no where near as important as Family. This is the largest group of people, the Family group. It is the triangle. It is a constant battle of all three to control Laws, Money and Family.

In all three groups there is good and bad. To fight all in government is to fight the good people as well. To fight the Money empire is to fight those who do good things with money, as the bad guys.

I do not have the answer as what to do. That was not in my dream. I cannot control what is in my dreams no more than you can. The best I can do is to look at history and see that the people who get out of the way are taking a gamble of their survival. Those that fight for either side are guaranteeing their demise. Maybe the Amish have it right?

The picture included with this dream writing is what came to me without a way for me to explain in words. May good win over evil, and may we know which is which in all three groups. I am on the good side. I hope you will enjoy my poems, stories and art.

Peace Out, EinStud


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