The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pyramid Sequencer

The Pyramid Sequencer:

Wake up Nintendo DS and all that are interested in breaking the bank in music (Sony, Wii?)

I love the new Nintendo DS Korg Synthesizer. That said, I also love making music. I usually make it through writing notes, scoring it, and through some magic, it comes out the shoot (never quite like I intended mind you).

I have an idea for the game makers. Start setting up music like a pyramid. Let each block be “editable”. Here is why. A normal man can look at blocks. To make music, he has to look at blocks and decide how long or short the sound. That is where the roadblock in music exists! If you know me, then you know about roadblocks... I overcome them. And so do you!

I don't want to get too far past the average person interested in music with tech talk. But, I have to say to the pro's, each pyramid block can be a “backstage” to the quarter note (or 32nd note if you're that far inclined). Thus allowing for overlapping in the tracks.

Okay, back to Earth...

When I am scoring music, I am usually interested in creating the melody. Melody consists of different lengths of sound. I also concern myself with pitch, chord etc. That is what all composers of music do when they play an instrument.

The Computer has become an instrument of music. For it to evolve properly, we must do two things. One, we must make it easy for people to understand. Two, we must make it uniquely better than any instrument that has come before.

Well, the pro's know much about number two. As for number one? The Pyramid.

A half note by any other name is still a half note. And half of a pyramid block is still half a note.

The advancement, enhancement, enticement, romancement, is that each block contains a sound from anything, INCLUDING... the singer.

And with the Pyramid scheme (aren't those illegal?) I have come up with, we can all start making sweet music together.

Here's the picture worth a thousand words. I don't have the time or desire to embark on this project. Go to it Geeks!

Remember in your minds; that the bottom of the Pyramid should be allowed to overlap in the sequencer, BUT make it adjustable or fade in fade out if you will.

The Compusician

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