The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thought for today

Here's a thought for today, yesterday and tomorrow as well:

"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." -Voltaire, philosopher (1694-1778)


I think I spend too much time, as others do also, worrying about how bad times are becoming. I sometimes wonder what it gets me if I am proved to be right. If I claim a meteor is coming, and I rant and rave, I behave like an animal, and then that day does come. I am proved right. What happens? Does everyone throw a party and congratulate me? Do I get a front row seat to the event?

Everyone knows that people in power are corrupt. It is human nature. They have children too(the corrupt ones). And it is human nature to want to protect and to provide for their family. To do this they must secure their future by making restrictive laws. We have seen this in history time and time again. Power is a sickness much like gambling is to the gambler.

If we were to fix today's problems, it would take only a matter of another 100 years to ruin it all again. I do not mean to sound defeatist here, but if you look at the bigger picture, then you will know everything will be just fine.

I do want to mention that it was government the freed the slaves. It was government that defeated Hitler and his army.

Don't trust the man who tells you everything you want to hear, but give some credence to the man who will do it.

Peace Out, And God Bless Glen Beck for what he is attempting to accomplish. The Compusician

P.S. God Bless all of those who are trying to make this world a better place for the next generation. It was done for us many times, and sometimes we must make the sacrifices for the future generations. No one lives forever.

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