The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saints Art EinStud JPG

Picture Name: Saints Art EinStud JPG

Topic: Anger

The minds of reason and ridicule are much more swift, than the hands of anger and hate. We live in a divided time, as man always has throughout history. Our arguments come down to the basic contest between reality versus the imagination. The Revolution repeats itself.

The side that wins, is the side that can avoid raising the sword of anger, while keeping the sword called the “Pen” held high. The ink is reason or ridicule, and unfortunately that draws anger for one side or the other.

You will win, if you can get the other side to anger without becoming angry yourself. That has been proven time and time again. I will give a modern day example.

Here we have this thing called “Global Warming”, presented to the people by the rich and elite. It was presented by the upper echelon of society as REASON, backed with scientific fact, and social conscience. Whereas ordinary street folk who can see right through this REASON as garbage and hoax, returned fire by using RIDICULE (elite people really hate to be ridiculed). “Global Warmists snowed in”, and then the scientists, “E-mail fraud and bribery”. Ridicule is so much easier when one exposes the truth (I think God had a hand in the snow)... (I just angered the Atheists with Reason).

Notice I never mentioned who was right and who was wrong. That is not the point. War begins, the hand of anger, when one side chooses to lose. To win this revolution is not to be on the sides of right or wrong, or the sides of reason and anger, but simply to never show your anger. Never develop anger on your side, but try as hard as hell to make THEM angry. Why? Anger is the loving Mother of irrationality. Your opponent cannot win anything, when they have become irrational. Sure, they can do a lot of damage, as did Hitler in his time. But the war was won over those elitist thugs (Hitler and the Nazi's), when enough people were ready to defend the cause of freedom of existence (the cause varies over different periods of time in history).

The Iranian dictator tries real hard to bring his opponents to anger. He knows that it will be difficult to do with the people at the top, so he aims his sword at the common street folk. An angry mob makes for difficult leadership, and he knows this.

Momar Khadaffi tried to pitch a tent in New York (like he preferred that to staying in a hotel with his buddies), his intent was to make the public ANGRY.

I will repeat, use Reason or Ridicule to bring the other side to Anger, but never bring your own side to Anger. The ultimate goal is to defend what you believe is right. And a person or group in defense, has always won the hearts and minds of the people. (By the way, when you act in defense, use ALL of your swords).

Peace Out, EinStud

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