The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gary Ruff finds possible cures for Cancer, Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure...

Cure for High Blood Pressure?

I think I stumbled into a possible cause and possible cure for high blood pressure. I think the cause of high blood pressure could be related to many things, but one thing intrigues me most. I think the lack of air is what causes a person to acquire high blood pressure, and perhaps many other ailments.

My discovery was made on my own time, not acting as a Doctor or any other type of medical professional. And here is the proof; try it for yourself! If you have a blood pressure measuring device, sit down and relax. In a safe place, and in a safe manner, hyperventilate. I breathed in and out quickly for about 24 times before I became real dizzy (usually it only takes 7 times). Stop hyperventilating before you pass out. And certainly consult a medical professional to determine if this idea is safe for you (before you try this idea).

You'll see that your high blood pressure has gone down. It won't last long. After 10 minutes, my blood pressure went back to what it was prior to hyperventilating.

I will watch this effect over the coming months and see if I have an overall improvement. Perhaps us 'fat' people are fat because we have a lower metabolism, which may be caused by us not getting enough air and/or water? When we exercise, we drink water and suck in a lot of air to recover. So, while we are sitting and relaxed, maybe if we do my method, a glass of water and hyperventilate, over time we will cure ourselves? It is just a curios question. And it sure seems to be the cheapest solution out there on the market!

If this idea works for you, please pass it around and get this idea going to save lives! I give reprint permission, without any alteration, for this article. If this idea doesn't work for you, then post a response here at this blog ( ), and perhaps you can add any ideas that worked for you that I did not mention.

Can you imagine if this somehow cures some other ailments such as Cancer, Diabetes, or Sleep related problems? For those with nothing else to lose (but everything to gain), maybe throw in a prayer along with the air and glass of water.

Peace Out (and good luck if you decide to try this idea) Gary Ruff

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