The Band BL8ant Featuring EinStud the Compusician


Friday, November 28, 2008


A song + commentary = SongMentary. The idea is to read a news article or somehow formulate an opinion about something or someone, then post it here to this blog.

Then, go into the studio, whip up a 30 second music bed, and lay down some thoughts (words) to the music. WoW...

What is "WOW!" is that I will make the music beds already made up, and ready for YOU to use in your ringtones, blogs, background music, commercials, or even make a full song out of it. Sometimes, I will also provide the stems, loops, samples, and acapella when I have the extra time.

I also like the idea of anyone sending in their short poems to this blog, and maybe my friends Brittany, Justin, Hannah, Paul, Stacy... will make up a song from your peotry too???? (Try keeping it to 5 lines or less and straight from your heart... the musical magicians will do the rest. And your payment will be just knowing you touched someone elses heart).

And if you don't like that? Then MAKE A SONGMENTARY!

Get busy, Peace Out, Gary Ruff

PS Get the free music beds at Link:

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